18k Yellow Gold Shiny Hoop EarringsSize: 22mm Go for gold and stand out with these 18k Yellow Gold Shiny Hoop Earrings. Featuring a timeless and sophisticated silhouette, these earrings will add a luxe touch to any outfit. Make a statement and level up your look with a hint of boldness. 18K金圈形扭紋耳圈耳環 這對22mm尺寸的耳圈像是fashion accessories 款式,卻是全以18k黃金製的珠寶。不會掉色,防敏感。日常配戴不會太誇張,簡單的扭紋款式,能與不同造型配撘的款式。夏天配上這微微搶眼的一對,不大不小,上耳剛好。感覺時尚而吸睛的款式,是值得購入保存多年也會喜愛的k金珠寶。配上白色T裇和牛仔長褲亦感覺帥氣。